Monday, October 3, 2011

TextView font size color layout interface andoid exam

I created a new Android Project in Eclipse called “AndroidFonts”:

From here I modified the “main.xml” file in the layout folder.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
        android:text="MonoSpace Font:"
        android:text="Hello Red Monospace"
        android:text="Sans Font:"
        android:text="Hello Blue Sans"
        android:text="Serif Font:"
        android:text="Hello Green Serif"
        android:text="I'm normal font but I'm also bold and italic"
        android:text="I'm normal (bold) font but I have a shadow"
        android:shadowColor ="#0f0f0f"
When I run the project I get this result in the emulator:

As you can see from the code I used the fonts: sans, serif, and monospace. Then I showed off how to make a string bold and italic:
Then a string utilizing the shadowing effect:
android:shadowColor ="#0f0f0f"
Colors are as simple as adding:
Pretty easy!